Restore Our Earth

Earth Day is celebrated every April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth day is all about caring for the earth. On account of earth day, we teens have to take up some engaging activities to protect the Earth. Let's not do that only once the year, but often at work and regularly in thought.

Theme Of the Earth Day 2021 is "Restore Our Earth". Let's give this theme a broader meaning.

Our Earth is becoming trash of plastics, e-waste. We are in a position to restore our green earth with green-equipped technologies. We have to reverse the damages that we have done in our lifetime, that gives satisfaction for rest of our the lifetime...

In the process of restoring the earth, everything matters from the polluted air to the gazing skyscrapers...

The world is aiming for cost-effective stances but for sustainable stands. The biggest sin you ever do is when you know everything but not doing the good-known acts.

There is no more explanation for any human being to give an answer to the question " Are you a part of polluting the earth? If not, how? "

So keep apart your answers do something innovative and eco-friendly...

The small steps we can do from our homes are 
    • Recycle or reuse the plastic bags that we have used.
    • Kitchen gardening. 
    • Gardening in waste plastic containers.
    • Use Eco-friendly products.
I practice all these in my day-to-day life with hoping for a better sustainable living and environmental-friendly future same as mine...

What about you?

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