Why do Teens Admire, Idolize, and Worship Celebrities ???

 We admire, idolize, and worship people, because we consider them as important, powerful, or famous, and because a great number of people know about them. These people appear on the media, which allows us to peek into their lives. They seem to live a different and more interesting lifestyle than ours, or so the media makes us think.

There is a subconscious desire in the human race to idolize anything that seems better, greater, richer, well known or powerful. There is a tendency to worship anything that seems glamorous, fascinating, or powerful.

 Most people have an unconscious desire to be famous and popular, even if they do not admit it openly. When they adore people who are famous and popular, they feel that they associate with them, and a part of their lives.

We all want to live a different and better life, and reading about celebrities, watching them on TV, or following them on Instagram and other social networks, makes us feel that we are participating and taking part in their glory. We feel close to them as if they are our friends, and this gives us a good feeling. There are people, who imitate their idols, wear the same kind of clothes, use the same perfume, or try to behave and act as they do. This gives them the feeling of being close to their idols, and take part in their fame and glory.

Everyone loves gossip, and when it comes to celebrities, gossip seems more interesting and valuable. People like to hear, read, or watch what other people are doing and saying, even if this is not important at all. This is actually, one of the reasons, why reality shows are so popular.

We love to watch pretty people, who wear pretty clothes. We love to watch people doing things or going to places we cannot afford. This takes our minds away from our problems and gives us a taste of glamor and fame.

Curiosity plays a major part here. There is a natural curiosity about other people’s lives, especially about people who are rich, powerful, or famous. Subconsciously, we want to be like them. We want to learn what they do, what they eat, and where they go, so we can do, at least, a few of the things they do. This makes us feel more important and close to them.

When certain people appear often on the screen of our TV or on our smartphones, we feel an affinity with them. They become close friends. We feel as if they visit us every day and are part of our lives. We begin to like them, and then, to adore and admire them.

You need to remember that celebrities are ordinary people, like you and me. They eat, drink, sleep, think, and feel like everyone else. The only difference between you and them is that they appear on the media. You might be as rich, smart, or successful as they are, and maybe even more. The difference is that they are famous and you are not.

Does this make you a smaller and less important person? No, it does not.

You see the glamor and you see the fascination in their lives, but does it really exist in their everyday life? Most have the same feelings, thoughts, and desires as you. They probably have their problems and worries, and sometimes, their real-life might not seem as glamorous as we see on TV.

Celebrities are just people, like everyone else. They have their ups and downs, fears, and happy moments, success, and failure, like “ordinary” people.

The media and the public relations persons create the glamor and provide the fascination, and we increase and multiply them in our minds, by our imagination, dreams, and expectations.

Everyone has the need to adore, idolize, and admire, and celebrities fit into this desire.

Before closing this article, I would like to point out that we do not admire and idolize every celebrity. Some of them we do not like and do not want to hear about. There are also people, who do not have a strong need to idolize and learn about celebrities. They have no need for that.

As said at the beginning of this post, in the olden days, people worshiped gods and their statues, and now they admire famous people. Celebrities have become the gods of the modern age. Often, they are not admired for what they did in the world or if they helped humanity in any way. What counts is how many times the media and pressed mentioned them, and how many likes they have in their social media accounts.


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