Internet Justice : something which is getting habitual...

Internet Justice is something that we decide or judge a problem with the views that we see only on the internet or social media.

Take it as if the person is posting an issue in his day-to-day life on social media. They may post a photo/video of the incident, and they leave an argument for their side. He / She expects their followers to comment about the issue or they expect supporters for their side against the issue. 

In a case, if a person shares their problem on the social media platform, it doesn't mean that they want to really share with you and you want to write them back your sorrows as in real life. It means that the person is seeking social justice. 

These cases of seeking justice may lead the person to a mental dilemma and even sometimes if their issue gets a little bigger they might get attacked by abusive words on comments and media. We may also not get to know the other side of the issue.

The right section for seeking justice is a court or police. After taking the issue to the powers and then even if you don't find justice, then it's fairness to seek justice in social media.


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