10 Step to Prove to your Parents that you are Responsible | John Adams

Teenage is all about growing up and taking control of your life, but your parents might agree to disagree. It can be frustrating when you feel like a mature individual, but your mom and dad continue treating you like a child. They won't let you make decisions for yourself, and even refuse to listen to you sometimes. You may have tried talking to them about allowing you a new privilege, or buying something for you, and received a blunt 'No'. Perhaps your folks consider you unfit for their favor or approval, which is probably because of your unruly behavior in the past.

Remember that your parents have lawful control over your life until you turn 18. If you want them to have faith in you and give in to you are responsible and trustworthy:

1. Demonstrate Level Headedness 

If you cannot take 'no' for an answer and throw a tantrum when demands are not met, no wonder your parents think you are childish. Get on your parents' good side by maintaining composure and keeping your attitude in check. Discuss the matter politely and exercise patience if they do not respond in the affirmative. Do not press an issue;  leave it be and circle back to it later when they are in a better mood and space.

2.Own up to Your Mistakes 

Lying, manipulating, and hiding blunders will get you nowhere. Most of the time, your parents can see right through you, so you aren't fooling anyone. It is better to fess up than making up stories or alibis that won't add up. This helps establish that you regret your mistakes and you are ready to learn from them.

3.Respect set Rules and Curfews

As long as you live in your parents' house, you shall have to abide by their rulebook. Respect curfews by getting back home at least half an hour before the designated time. Value your family traditions, fulfill their expectations, and avoid causing disappointments.

4.Do your fair share of house chores 

How can your parents take you seriously if you cannot even manage everyday home tasks, like making your bed every morning, keeping your room tidy, and taking dirty dishes to the kitchen. For instance, if you are insisting for a house pet, you must show that you are capable of taking care of it. You can make a good impression by volunteering to do house chores, such as laundry, dishwashing, and taking out the trash.

5. Try to be Considerate and Helpful

If your parents look busy or stressed out, do not overburden them with your appeals. Ask them about their day and try listening to their problems for a change. You might be able to help solve some of their crisis and prove that you really have grown up.

6.Improve your Academic Performance

In case of your grades have been falling lately or you simply haven't been doing your best at school, change that. Concentrate on your studies and ace your academics, as nothing else would make your parents happier. They might even reward you with something you have been longing for.

7.Stay out of Trouble

Stay away from all kinds of trouble will definitely earn you responsibility points. Be good at school, do not go against state laws, always act rationally. If you get caught drinking, doing drugs, committing DUI/DWI crimes, trespassing, or instigating any violence, imagine the worst.

8.Save Money or get a Part-time job

If your parents refused to buy you something expensive, you may impress them by obtaining it with your own money. Save money from your allowance or get a part-time job to demonstrate that you have what it takes to challenge yourself or put in work for things you desire.

9.Keep Promises 

When you tell your parents that you will get something done, make sure to follow through. Indiviuals who cannot keep their promises or go back on their own word are never deemed reliable.

10.Be Self-Reliant

Indepenence and responsibility are two sides if the same coin, i.e. you cannot have one without the other. Rather than depending on parents for taking care of your every whim, learn to be resourceful. Self-manage your basic needs by learning life skills; you can start by cooking a wholesome meal for yourself.

Author Bio
John Adams is a lifestyle blogger who concentrates on health, fitness, and self-development. He
encourages readers to fight their fears and overcome obstacles holding them back. He believes that
every person can improve the quality of his/her life by thinking positive and making better choices.


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