Why are Teenagers Eager to Drink Alcohol and Do Drugs | John Adams

Let's face it, teenage is the most complicated phase of life. This time when we are going through so many mental challenges and physical changes. We are not sure who is, but we have idols and inspirations, which we are dying to follow. The curiosity of teenagers gets the best of them, as they are adolescence, which is why every 15 to 16 year old is way too eager to dive in. Teens do not realize what comes after indulging in these forbidden fads. When they feel the excruciating hangover the next day, wake up in a strange place, or get arrested for DUI/DWI offense, it is then that they realize that alcohol/drug abuse is not fun and games. Here's why the average teen is tempted to try alcohol and drugs: To Experiment Teenage is all about trying and discovering oneself. Easy access to alcohol and drugs encourages youngsters to experiment. They observe drinking and smoking pot as common activities in society, which makes it look harmless and endearing. Most teens have more freedom ...